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Actually Coaching

Coming Back Home to Yourself

Hallo dear one,

my name is Tamar Starobinetz

As a certified trauma therapist and life coach, I’m here to help you shape your perspective into a blissful and fruitful one—your inner life, your relationships, anything that’s important to you. I will help you effectively deal with the challenges life brings you.

Finding together your true inner wisdom and strength.  We will craft your tuned pathway to a joyful life.

I run a practice in Amsterdam and Zaandam.

I am registered in all Dutch insurance companies under the alternative medical package coverage.

I am using various techniques.

Some conventional like EMDR  and some holistic body-mind-energy work like Voice dialog, Focusing, EFT, Laughter Yoga, Shamanistic breathing, Theta Healing, Human design.

I feel honored every time I get to witness the miracle of unlocking the chains of trauma.

Take the key to your freedom.  It’s closer than you think.


Joep, 45 years old 

I went to Tamar for help, because of unresolved trauma from the past. Although I was on a path of healing for around three years, my issues were still bothering me to a point where it was influencing my daily life. Tamar helps from the safety and warmth of her home, which is nice. She guided me skillfully through the sessions. Even though I had to cry several times, at the end of each session I would always leave feeling better. During the months after the last session, I have further internalized what I should do if unpleasant feelings pop up. Things are better. I would definitely recommend Tamar for anyone who has suffered trauma.

Elena, 54 years old

I reached out to Tamar after I received my last radiotherapy treatment. At the moment I had been through a few rough months, of tests, double mastectomy with reconstruction and psychological stress due to family issues.

She has a gentle, empathic, holistic approach to healing. She helped me face my demons of the past that were still haunting me in my present. My wounds of years of abuse.

She listens. She really listens. She even listens when you cannot find the words to express what you feel. Or what you have hidden. 

She has told me that she is specialized in treating people with trauma. I totally understand why. The only way of healing trauma is through love she is full of it.

Asaf, 48 years old

I met Tamar at the most difficult time of my life.  I had severe chronic back pain for ten years and following nine surgeries in my spinal cord, dozens of different treatments and drug treatment with painkillers. In our second session she took me on a journey through time and knew how to touch the points of trauma and emotional difficulty in my past.  After the treatment, I knew (I just knew) that my emotional charges were the source of the constant pain and for the first time, I understood the journey I had to go through.  Tamar helped me to gradually free myself from the powerful pain and gave me tools to deal with difficult periods of pain and to free myself from it.  

My Story

Life happened

I was born and raised in the land of milk and honey. Israel. in 1972.
I was raised as a world citizen who respects and has an interest in the human affair across the world and throughout history.
I experienced war early in life and I longed for peace early in life. I was a non-religious kid who prayed to God every day to stop separating humans from each other with the excuses of religion, race or gender. This prayer did not change later in life, when I became a lieutenant officer in the Israeli army training man defend at war time nor did my prayer change 20 years later breastfeeding my baby in the Netherlands.
I was suffering from post-trauma disorder (PTSD) due to having been involved in dangerous situations. 
It’s all because I was born a woman. I was born Jewish and I lived in the most threatened democracy on the planet.
When I realized this I made a promise to find the way out of the dark tunnel of trauma and free myself. 
The trauma’s kidnapped me from my now. From my source. I was not present in my body. I could not make out my mind about my life. I was in constant fear and agony.
My healthy wise part took me to therapy. Lucky me! 
My biggest interest in life is people. My biggest investment in life is people.
So I studied numerous the techniques which helped me to become a stand-up comedian. I am known with my stage name: Tamar Robin Star I was so happy people will be able to master their own destinies.
There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing a person growing towards their highest potential - defeating all obstacles and using them as a springboard.
This is better than the crowd cheering me after my Stand-up Comedy gig.
Consciousness gave me hope, EMDR gave me back my now, coaching gave me back my confidence and humor gave me back my joy.
I combine all in my coaching and workshops.

It’s a great pleasure and very rewarding for me.

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Thought-Based Approach

Support That Makes a Difference

Brain image before and after EMDR session.jpg

EMDR Session

Unlock yourself from the chains of trauma

What is the actual EMDR session like?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from many different treatment approaches. To date, EMDR therapy has helped millions of people of all ages relieve many types of psychological stress. Below is a Brief Description of EMDR Therapy.
8 Phases of Treatment
The amount of time the complete treatment will take depends upon the history of the client. Complete treatment of the targets involves a three pronged protocol (1-past memories, 2-present disturbance, 3-future actions), and are needed to alleviate the symptoms and address the complete clinical picture. The goal of EMDR therapy is to process completely the experiences that are causing problems, and to include new ones that are needed for full health. "Processing" does not mean talking about it. "Processing" means setting up a learning state that will allow experiences that are causing problems to be "digested" and stored appropriately in your brain. That means that what is useful to you from an experience will be learned, and stored with appropriate emotions in your brain, and be able to guide you in positive ways in the future. The inappropriate emotions, beliefs, and body sensations will be discarded. Negative emotions, feelings and behaviors are generally caused by unresolved earlier experiences that are pushing you in the wrong directions. The goal of EMDR therapy is to leave you with the emotions, understanding, and perspectives that will lead to healthy and useful behaviors and interactions.

Life Coaching Session

Craft your path & live blissful

This service is a favorite among many of my clients, as it is often times one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.

Meditation by the sea

Craft your path Coaching Session

Guidance & Inspiration

Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out? My specialization will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with my coaching tools and techniques.

Schedule a Session

Humor Workshop

Turn Your Lemon's into a Lemonade

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.


Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.

Image by Alexander Andrews

Schedule a Session

Want to hear more about how I can help you transform your life? Contact me today to schedule a session.

Thanks for submitting!


Tt. Vasumweg 24A , 1033 SC Amsterdam, Netherlands





Per auto: Verlaat de A10 (ringweg Amsterdam) bij afslag 18 naar Tuindorp Oostzaan. Vervolg de S118 naar de Klaprozenweg. Ga rechtsaf bij het stoplicht NDSM (ms Van Riemsdijkweg) en direct daarna linksaf de tt Vasumweg op.  Na 100 meter zie je nummer 24A aan de linkerkant.

Er is volop parkeerruimte voor de deur, betaald tussen 9:00 en 19:00 uur, op zondag tussen 12:00 en 19:00 uur (€1,60 per uur / €9,60 per dag). De parkeerautomaat verderop in de straat heeft nummer 19569.

Per openbaar vervoer en fiets: met veerpont 903 vanaf Amsterdam Centraal of veerpont 906 vanaf de Pontsteiger Houtmankade naar de NDSM. De pont vanaf de Pontsteiger in West doet er 7 minuten over; die vanaf CS 14 minuten. Loop vanaf de pontsteiger NDSM linksaf de ms Van Riemsdijkweg op. Na 350 meter ga je rechtsaf de tt Vasumweg in. Looptijd naar Noord Straalt is 6 minuten.

Per bus: GVB-lijnen 35 en 36 (halte Atatürk/Klaprozenweg) en Connexion-lijnen 391 en 394 (halte Klaprozenweg). Voor de routeplanner openbaar vervoer: ga naar

Noord Straalt vind je op nummer 24A, op de eerste verdieping (traplift aanwezig!) en op nummer 24D (spiegelzaal). 


in het praktijk er is invalide traplift (stoellift).


“It’s not what you look at what matters, it’s what you see”

Henry David Thoreau

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