Actually Coaching
Actually Coaching costs are covered by most Dutch alternative insurances
New Prices 2023
In 2022 & 2023 I give special discounts for people which have difficulties paying. Please contact for more information.
If you like to help people which have difficulty financing this unique helpful treatment please know I give special walking tours in Amsterdam to raise contributions.
Costs: First intake interview (90 minutes) €135 inc.vat
Coaching Session life & Zoom (60 minutes) € 95 inc.
EMDR & TTS Session (90 minutes) €135.
Home sessions are possible with an extra charge of €0.23 per km + time of drive 15 minutes is calculated as 25€ and extra parking costs.
Mini Coaching Session-(mostly phone or Zoom sessions) (45 minutes) €70
All costs are free of VAT (BTW 0%)
I'm registered at the professional association VIV and RBCZ my services are recognized and covered partly or fully by most Dutch insurance for the ones that have an alternative package.
I am registered at the VIV Professional Association
I have AGB Zorgverlenerscode
I have AGB Praktijkcode
I am registered at the RBCZ register of recognized complementary care
Insurances that cover my services are under Psychosocial Consult Prestatie code: 24504.
CZ groep:
CZ, CZ Direct, Delta Lloyd, Ohra.
Coöperatie Menzis:
Menzis, Anderzorg, Hema en PMA
Achmea groep:
ZilverenKruis, FBTO, Interpolis, AvéroAchmea, ProLife Zorgverzekeringen, DeFriesland en OZF Zorgverzekeraar.
Coöperatie VGZ :
VGZ, Bewuzt, Promovendum, NationalAcademic, Besured, IZZ, Univé, ZEKUR en UMC